Friday 18 April 2008

6. UMPC the next digital giant

UMPC the next digital giant
With the increases of wireless internet services, Laptop users have been increasing.However carrying around 2kg Laptop isn't an easy task.Companies such as Fujitsu, Sony, Samsung, Kohjinsha, Asus, Walkzen have introducedtheir UMPCs, wich stands for Ultra Mobile Personal Computer and gained everyones attention in the digital market. The new models of UMPC were not as successfuldue to low performance and high price. But they are back on the road again withthe newer, improved model.
UMPCs were first introduced in year 2006 at CEBIT, Germany the worlds biggestIT exhibition. The first UMPC appeared by partners MS and intel.
UMPCs can run basic computer applications. It can play music, movies, word processors,web browsers and simple games.
The first UMPC models priced around $1,000, but now they are down to $400-$500.
Unlike PDAs, they usually come with a keyboard, and because of their portability,and functions, UMPC has a high potential market.

6th entry by 20200652

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