Wednesday 19 March 2008

Equus and Genesis

As prof. Lee gave a lecture about Gap in class, a lot of companies
in the world came out with different name of brands based on
a same route or foundation. As matter of a fact, the world's
well-known companies have a lot of branches. Such as Lexus, Acura,
Audi, Sprite and so on. However, when you look at Korean
companies,there is no such branch company that has luxury brand.
Recently, Hyundai-car launched two branches, which are Equus and
Genesis. Equus launched couple years ago and the result tells us that
it wasn't successful. In my opinion, two facts are affecting branch
business in korea; one is Koreans' mentality matter and another
is company's marketing problem. Mentality matter is people in korea
consider korean brand as cheap brand, and the other hand they
don't believe in their product. Marketing problem is even though
Hyundai launched Equus and Genesis in different ways, they sell
Equus and Genesis at Hyundai-Car dealer shop. Which means even
if you invest capital to differenciate one and the other, image itself is
too strong to new launching company. Fundamentally, launching and
investing are not everything for branch business and I think their
new step is to seperate their new image from original like Toyota and Lexus.
20400402 Josh, Yoon Entry2

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