Thursday 20 March 2008

Christians in the Business world

Millions of Christians head off to their work/careers each day without a true sense of meaning and purpose in what they do for a living. Many of them are bored, and simply waiting for “something better to come along.”

God’s design and plan for our vocation is that our work and how we go about it would be an act of worship to Him. God wants us to understand that what we do for a living is part of our ministry and mission field to further His Kingdom and to bring Him glory.

Our guest speaker on Tuesday, Ray Hilbert, covered a very important topic. It was about how Christians should approach the business world. I, personally, had a lot of questions concerning this topic.

Ray Hilbert, during his lecture said that we need to maintain a balanced life between work and family. This got me thinking. As a Christian, we are called to glorify God through our work. Being a salt and light in the workplace is surely glorifying God, but isn't doing well and excelling in the marketplace glorying God as well?

In a market and society where everyone is busy competing with each other, cutting on sleep and family time to work more to excel and succeed others, how could Christians glorify God by succeeding others in business if we do not work as hard as them? I believe that Christian companies should become the Best company in the world. If so, shouldn't Christians work harder than others to become the BEST? I wonder then, is it possible to become the BEST if we maintain a balanced life between work and family? I would like to maintain a balanced life as well, of course. Professor Lee also mentioned during our lecture that many people neglect their responsibilities at home during the rapid growth and competitive turbulence phase of the production growth.

What are we as Christians to do? Are we to sacrifice becoming the best company in order to maintain a balanced life? What does God want? What is biblical?

We Christians want to glorify God by setting up the Best company in the world. But is this possible when we maintain a balanced life?

How could we say that we are going to change the world or even the business world/marketplace when we are not doing well in business?

We need to excel in business to influence others. If so, don't we need to work harder than others to do well in business?

However, if we work hard and neglect our families, then God will not be happy because we are not being responsible by looking after our familes.
On the other hand, if we go home at 6 o'clock sharp and spend time with our family, maintaing a balanced life, while others are working to succeed and excel, non-Christians are succeeding us in business and influencing the world.

What is biblical about this?
What is your opinion?

I would really like to hear your comments on this topic.
I don't know what is right.
I truly want to know what is biblical.

Is it possible to be the BEST and still maintain a balanced life?
Or do we have to sacrifice being the BEST to maintain a balanced life?

By: 20600674 - Entry #2

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